Tuesday, October 21, 2008

who knows

People come and go from your life for reasons we may never understand. Most of them impact us in one way or another. It might not be for years before we realized why they were once graced on our stage of life. Some people impact us so much we choose to work them into our daily lives and keep them around for years. Most people you allow in should have a positive effect in your life. However, there are a few wolves hidden in sheep's clothes. These people will leave you in such a whirlwind that you don't know which direction you were headed in or better yet where you just came from. When these people come into your life it's to teach you something you've forgotten or never learned about to begin with. They will disguise themselves as friends or lovers. It is your job to try and spot them before the damage is done. Sometimes it's unavoidable. This is all just apart of life. Friends are supposed to be the family we are allowed to choose. So why is most of our pain comes from these people? I know in my experience with "friends" I've been challenged in just about every form of the word. I've had some of the closest people to me look me in the eye and flat out lie or steal, or the best one, sleep with my partner. How can one lower themselves to this level of hate. To purposefully hurt someone that is supposed to mean the world to you? These are just some of the questions I'll never understand, but with each trial and outcome I will learn something to add to my life later on.

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